VisionPlus EXPO 2024 In Dubai!
Raising The Bar On Global Optical Stage
Dubai welcomes the yearly global eyewear innovation extravaganza
In a world eagerly anticipating the resurgence of the optical business, VisionPlus EXPO 2024 emerges as the torchbearer and celebration once again. Set against the dazzling backdrop of Dubai, this eyewear extravaganza is an aspirational marketplace slated to be a spectacle of innovation, fashion, and networking from the 8th to the 10th of October 2024.
Building on Success: Bigger and Better Than Ever
Building on the success of its ninth edition, VisionPlus EXPO firmly establishes Dubai as the new go-to destination for eyewear shows. The 2023 event showcased 150 global eyewear and optical brands from exhibitors spanning 24 countries, attracting 3,280 buyers, including 1,858 international visitors from 75 countries. Impressively, 92% of exhibitors express eagerness to join the 2024 edition, with an 84% positive rating for leads generated. The ninth VP Awards and the second edition of the 'YOU&EYE' Global Opticians Awards, embedded within the VisionPlus EXPO, celebrated optical trade excellence. In a significant endorsement, ZEISS as the platinum partner, affirming the event's industry prominence.
Mr Siraj Bolar, CEO of FourPlus Media, shares the vision for 2024: "Our vision for 2024 is quite simply the same, which is to help the optical industry grow even more to achieve its potential even better. And that starts with bringing the industry together on one platform which is convenient for everyone, and conducive for business and networking. Only VisionPlus EXPO offers all of this in Dubai."
The lineup of exhibitors reads like a who's who of the optical world. Renowned international brands have already confirmed their participation. Their presence ensures that attendees will be treated to a showcase of the most innovative and sought-after products in the optical industry.
A meticulously planned year-long promotion campaign is set to unfold, targeting a larger attendance from regional markets, extending its reach to the entire Middle East & Africa region, and South Asian markets, including the Indian sub-continent, up to Singapore and Malaysia. Exhibitors can anticipate comprehensive coverage and promotion for their participation, ensuring that their brand messages resonate with potential buyers well in advance.
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For more details visit: vpexpodubai.com
To exhibit, contact : JASBIR BOLAR
jasbir@fourplusmedia.com | +97150 8886436