
Nova Eyewear Complete Eyewear A global eyewear brand which offers complete eyewear solutions Nova Eyewear, the global eyewear brand from Vision Rx Lab, available in more than 25 countries worldwide, offers a bouquet of innovative eyewear solutions, ranging from advanced digital lenses to fashionable frames, powered sunglasses and swimming goggles etc, catering to all genders, [...]

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VisionPlus EXPO 2022 Supporting Partners PLATINUM PARTNER For over 175 years, ZEISS has addressed the challenge of providing its customers with an optimal visual experience. Our daily work is sharply focused on the wishes and needs of our customers because every eye is as individual as a fingerprint and because individual demands for better vision

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Get Your CME Accreditation At VisionPlus EXPO 2022 There’s great news for all those who are waiting to upgrade their education in optometry and earn CME points – all this while attending the VisionPlus EXPO! One of the big highlights of the VisionPlus EXPO are the special knowledge sessions planned by VP Academy. Industry experts

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